

The photographs in this book represent selected moments from my travels over the past thirty years, particularly those moments involving people. Some of these encounters were brief, without a word begin spoken; yet something was shared—a look, a smile, a gesture—that clearly spoke to our common humanity. We were alike, so we could communicate, and we were different, so we had something to share. It was in such moments of understanding that these pictures were made and in which they still speak today. Although a photograph is unalterably bound by the vision of the photographer and the unique moment in time that it records, the subject matter it conveys is often able to speak to people of all places and all generations. It is with this understanding that I set these pictures before you, knowing that the limited scope of my travels and the personal biases of my vision make it impossible for me to adequately illustrate the sweep of human history addressed in this book. My hope instead is that the subject matter itself will transcend the bounds of time and place to present a faithful view of the common nature and shared experience of all mankind. It is my prayer that this book will inspire you to look anew at the awesome reality of man’s special calling, to faithfully live as the image of God on earth, for the good of all peoples, the care of creation, and the glory and honor of our Maker.




Foreword & Introduction

MADE TO LOVE: Man | Woman | Marriage | Children | Community

MADE TO RULE: Learning | Labor | Art & Architecture | Evaluation & Trade | Rest & Enjoyment

MADE TO WORSHIP: The Garden | The Guardian | The Attack | The Defeat | The Victory





When I began my travel career, my passion was seeing and photographing the differences between the world’s cultures. But time and experience has shown me they are more alike than not. People everywhere laugh when they are happy, cry when they are hurt, and ask the same “big” questions about life. Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my purpose? Does God exist? Is there life after death? How then should I live? The all-encompassing question of the ages, however, was asked by David in Psalm 8: “What is man?”

How we answer this question determines the way we live, because our views of people, nature, and God are all founded on our perception of man. It defines our understanding and expression of love in our families and communities. It governs our rule over the natural world. It identifies and establishes the deity or thing that we worship and serve.

This book considers man as he is portrayed in the Bible. Made in the glorious image of God, man rejected the design of his Creator, and thus became a broken image. But God, in His compassion, provided healing and restoration for man, so that he might once again live in His glorious image on the earth.

What an exalted view of man! Here is the foundation for the abundant life that God intends for all mankind—a life characterized by love that gives, rule that serves, and worship that trusts and obeys God. Restored to the image of God in which he was created, man is truly glorious. This book celebrates that glory.