Image of God Dust Jacket: Inside flap

When Ric Ergenbright began his travel career, his passion was seeing and photographing the differences between the world’s cultures. But time and experience showed him that human societies are more alike than not. People everywhere laugh when they are happy, cry when they are hurt, and ask the same “big” questions about life. Who am I? Where did I come from? What is my purpose? Does God exist? Is there life after death? How then should I live? In Psalm 8, King David asks the question of the ages: “What is man?”

How we answer this all-encompassing question will determines how we live as individuals and societies, because our perspective of people, nature, and God is founded on our perception of man. It defines our understanding and expression of love; it governs our rule over the natural world; and it reveals the deity that we worship and serve.

From the beginning, God has communicated His truth to man through images and stories of real-life events. Following this example, Ric Ergenbright combines current-day photographs of the worldwide family of man with the historical narrative of man’s creation, fall, and redemption to illustrate the eternal relevance and life-changing power of this story, which is for all people of all nations.

The Art of God series celebrates God’s perfect revelation in all He has made. Blending powerful photographic imagery with eternal biblical truth, it presents a full-orbed expression of the physical and spiritual character of true reality.

Image of God jacket2

Image of God Dust Jacket, Back Cover

The Image of God views man through the lens of the Bible’s historical narrative. Like its best-selling predecessor, The Art of God, it blends a powerful collection of worldwide photographs with the revelation of Scripture to open our eyes and minds to the unchanging character and faithfulness of God.

Made in the glorious image of God, man rejected the design of His Creator, and thus became a broken image. But God, in His compassion, provided healing and restoration for man, to once again live as His glorious image on earth. The Image of God presents a powerful witness to the abundant life that God intends for all mankind—a life characterized by love that gives, rule that serves, and worship that trusts and obeys God.