Prince “Zia,” Chitral, Pakistan

God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him. Genesis 1:27

God formed the first man, Adam, from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Everything in the newly created world revealed aspects of its creator, but nothing revealed Him as fully as man. God chose to make mankind in His own image and likeness—not just a little higher than the monkeys, but a little lower than God Himself. No other creature was so exalted.

How glorious was man! Like God, he could think, speak, work, rest, and enjoy the creation. Like God, he could organize, develop, and beautify the world. Only man, of all God’s creatures, was given these God-like abilities. But he was not God. Unlike God, he could not create something from nothing, nor could he ever attain the infinite wisdom, strength, and glory of his creator. Yet, bearing the image of God, he was the crown of creation, the glorious reflection of God on earth.

The source of a man’s glory, however, was not his abilities—it was his relationship of love and communication with God. Adam walked and talked face-to-face with the almighty maker of heaven and earth, who was not only God, He was Adam’s God. In this person-to-person relationship, this covenant established by God, Adam was designed to grow in godliness to reflect God’s glory ever more brightly. Man was glorious because God was glorious, and man revealed God’s glory to the world.

Likewise, just as God’s hands formed the first man from the dust of the earth, His hands formed you and me in our mothers’ wombs. Before the foundation of the world, you and I were a thought in God’s mind, purposefully created with a unique combination of characteristics and talents. Not only that, He also talks to us and we can talk to Him. He knows us and we can know Him. Though God is high and exalted above His creation, you and I can have a personal relationship with Him. Our sense of worth comes not by looking at ourselves but by looking at the God who made us in His image.
The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
Vendor, Dunhuang, ChinaFarmer, Bamian, AfghanistanGun Maker, Kohat Pass, Pakistan

The Pathan tribesmen of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province are famous for their gun-making and fighting skills, both of which were used against the British during the years of British imperial rule on the Indian subcontinent. Assuming I was British and attempting to provoke a fight, this tribesman glared at me and said, “My grandfather killed your grandfather, and my father killed your father.” The implication was perfectly clear: I represented the next generation in his equation. Then Mahmud, my guide and interpreter, saved the day by saying, “Then you must be friends, because this man is an American, and his grandfathers fought the British too!”
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4
Sadhu, Pahalgam, Kashmir, IndiaOlive Farmer, PortugalAltiplano Native, Cuzco, Peru

One of the strangest encounters of my career was with this Kashmiri Sadhu in the village bazaar at Pahalgam. Even though I photographed him for at least ten minutes, he never blinked or changed expression once. He was so completely calm and his stare was so thoroughly intense, I felt our roles had been reversed. The camera may have been in my hands, but it was he who saw the subject more clearly.


Merchant, Pahalgam, Kashmir, India — Olive Farmer, Portugal — Altiplano Native, Cuzco, Peru