Friends, Otavalo, Ecuador

God said to them, “…fill the earth.: Genesis 1:28

By virtue of being image-bearers of God, every man, woman, and child is a reflection of God and therefore has great worth. The clearest way to show one’s love for God—who cannot be seen—is to love one’s neighbors, who also bear His image. In fact, only those who love their neighbors can truly be said to love God (1John 4:7-8).

God’s infinite personality is displayed in the diversity of temperaments and talents found in the human community. Whether naturally reserved or exuberant, cautious or bold; whether drawn to details or concepts, to animals or children; whether gifted with paintbrush or hammer, with words or numbers, every person mirrors certain traits of God, which helps others to appreciate and love God more. As people use their gifts to bless each other, filling up what others lack, these differences are a radiant reflection of God’s rich character as well as of His love.

Because we all manifest God in unique ways, we need to be in relationships with other people in order to fully appreciate and love God. We were designed to glorify God and to live not only for ourselves but also for our neighbors. We are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve and sons and daughters of God, who has knitted us together into the family of man. We were designed to shine forth the glorious love of God to the ends of the earth by pouring ourselves out for our spouses, children, and neighbors.
He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation. Acts 17:26 nasb
Pushkar Camel Fair, India — Portovenere, Italy — Taking Charge, Darjeeling, India
Sing to the LORD a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth. Isaiah 42:10
Manarola, Cinque Terra, Italy — Karimabad, Hunza, Pakistan

Perched on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean, Manarola is one of five villages that make up the renowned Cinque Terra on Italy’s Ligurian Coast. Linked by train and trail through steeply terraced hills and vineyards, each village is about two miles from its neighbor. In 2001, the entire eleven-mile stretch became an Italian national park.

Dominating the fabled Himalayan Valley of Hunza yet dwarfed beneath the giant peaks of the Karakoram Range, the village of Baltit (Karimabad) has long been heralded as one of the world’s most remote and idyllic spots. Thought to be the inspiration and model for Shangri-la in James Hilton’s novel Lost Horizon, Hunza is renowned for the purity and healthiness of its environment and lifestyle, which has produced an extraordinary number of active centenarians. In years past, under the rule of a benevolent king, or mir, the ultimate penalty for the worst crime in Hunza was banishment from the kingdom. Today, however, many young people, attracted by the material goods introduced by tourists, have voluntarily left the valley for the promised “riches” of the outside world.
The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. Psalm 33:13, 15
Overview, Brugge, Belgium — Rush Hour, Beijing, China — Champs d’Elysees, Paris, France

What is the proper perspective? Is there another way to look at a subject that will reveal more information and provide greater understanding? These are vital questions that we should ask ourselves, whether in the concrete world or the visual world or in the abstract realm of ideas. Humans commonly see the world straight on, from about three to seven feet above the ground. A mouse sees it from the ground looking up, and a bird sees it from the sky looking down. Each sees reality, but every viewpoint and interpretation is different. So which view is the proper one? None of them. Only God sees and knows all things, and He has revealed all truth to the world through His creation, His spoken word in the Bible, and especially through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. If we study all of these means from every possible angle, He will grant us the proper perspective we seek. And that view will always reveal His glory.