At the Beach, Santa Monica, California

Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. Romans 1:20 niv

In order to rule over God’s creation, Adam had to learn about it. By studying what God had made, Adam would grow in his understanding of the world, himself, and God, who was marvelously revealed in all He had made. He would rule not as a detached dictator but as a close benefactor, intimately acquainted with his subjects.

Adam’s first lesson involved naming all the animals over which he was to rule. They were to be his helpers—pulling his plow, providing eggs and cheese for his table and wool for his blankets. The bees would teach him about cooperation, the otters about delighting in work, the lions about courage, and the ants about diligence. But the greatest lesson Adam would learn was that, just as each of these creatures had a mate, he needed a companion. So God fashioned a woman to be with Adam. Together they would study and tend God’s creation and glorify Him by enjoying His excellent works.

Because God is revealed in all things, learning would be a thrilling task. God’s wisdom, creativity, power, and love shone everywhere—in the orderly, immense heavens, the intricacy and variety of the flowers, and the continual provision of food and water. And this was just the beginning! The universe was full of secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled, from the magnetic field to the structure of the atom. There were things that Adam and Eve and their descendants would never fully understand, because they were only creatures. How could their limited minds encompass the Creator’s mind? He knew all things, whereas they knew only what He revealed to them. But there was still so much they could know, and every bit of knowledge they gained would deepen their love for God and their understanding of the way He rules His creation. Thus, their learning would prepare them to rule like He rules.

Great are the works of the LORD; they are studied by all who delight in them. Psalm 111:2 nasb

Pals, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada — Homework, Saidu Sharif, Swat, Pakistan — Water Works Park, Seattle, Washington

Learning is frequently a shared experience in which both teacher and pupil gain understanding and enjoyment. Many national park visitors have learned that golden mantle ground squirrels will eagerly take food from human hands—and the squirrels have learned that wherever vacationers gather there is food to be had.

Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty? Job 11:7
Co-op classroom, Harbin, China — Professor, Beijing, China — Dana & Boh, Southern California

As humans, we continually seek to learn about the world and ourselves—from our earliest lessons in problem solving, throughout our childhood years in the classroom, to more intricate investigations of mathematical formulas and complex scientific theories. Because all truth is from God, and He is unable to lie or contradict Himself (Titus 1:2; 1 John 1:5), we can truly grow in wisdom and knowledge by diligently weighing our observations against God’s perfect revelation in nature and the Bible. Because truth is truth, there is no middle ground; all contradictions demand resolution. God makes no mistakes, so if His world does not appear to agree with His Word, we must go back to the drawing board to reconsider the facts or review our biblical interpretation.