PRAISE WALKING — An exercise in intentional seeing

Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

My daily walk is four miles (sixty minutes, out and back) on our rural road in southeast Bend, Oregon. It’s a time for observation and contemplation of God’s creation, and of praise and prayer to Him as the loving Maker, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all things. This is what I saw on a walk in late September, intentionally looking at the world around me:

  • 49 Horses
  • 57 Cows
  • 1 Donkey
  • 2 Llamas
  • 9 Alpacas
  • 2 Goats
  • 3 Dogs
  • 2 Garter snakes
  • 9 Mule deer
  • 1 Cottontail bunny
  • 1 Jackrabbit
  • 1 Inch worm
  • 4 Grasshoppers
  • 3 Ravens
  • 8 Canada geese
  • 25 Chickens
  • Dozens of blackbirds        
  • 3 Red-tail hawks
  • 2 Kestrels
  • 4 Mountain bluebirds
  • 1 Hummingbird
  • 3 Magpies
  • 6 Piñon jays
  • Dozens of robins
  • 5 Scrub jays
  • 9 Doves
  • 3 Grey squirrels
  • 4 Chipmunks
  • 1 Flicker
  • Endless sage & rabbitbrush
  • Aspen, juniper & pine trees
  • Poplar, cottonwood & spruce
  • 9 Mountain peaks                                
  • Blue sky & white clouds
  • 2 streams
  • 7 pastures
  • 6 lava rock outcrops
  • 14 houses and ranches
  • 6 cars
  • 2 bicycles
  • 9 human beings

When I see and ponder the extraordinary diversity, beauty, complexity, and perfection of the world around me, I’m drawn into the praise and worship of God. How can I not be? From the macro world that displays the vastness of the heavens, to the micro world that reveals his unfathomable lilliputian design, all creation shouts of God’s wisdom and goodness and glory. Nothing is silent; everything joins the chorus. “There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:3-4).

Everything I see is a vital piece in an enormous, intricately-connected, living and breathing jigsaw puzzle. Each piece is uniquely fashioned and needed; all have a meaning and purpose in the Maker’s finished design. As naturalist John Muir observed, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” Indeed. It is a holistic wonder of perfect beauty, with no clashing colors, or discordant notes. And, as such, it is the defining source of what is truly beautiful. I look at the individual pieces and am amazed by their variety and uniqueness. In one scene – without moving my head – I see huge animals with heavy thick bones, and tiny feather-weight birds with hollow bones. Each one is totally unique (like our fingerprints), and known individually by its Maker. Then there’s the myriad of other pieces in between, whether animate or inanimate – animal, vegetable, mineral, or elemental – that are so infinitely different, but perfectly designed for their unique function and place in the puzzle. Try as I might to believe that such diverse and intricate designs were produced by infinite time and chance, I cannot. Seeing it from a surface level only, I am awestruck by its beauty and perfection. Pondering it more deeply, and looking through the lens of Scripture, I am convicted of my fallen human vision that blinds me to the full glory and majesty of God that surrounds me. And, once again, I appreciate the truthfulness of J.B. Phillips book title, “Your God Is Too Small.” But, more than that – and most of all – I am eternally thankful to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, “who has reconciled ALL things to himself, whether things on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:20).

So, there’s a lot to see on a sixty minute walk – no matter where we live – if we will intentionally open our eyes to see it!