THE ART OF GOD: The Heavens & The Earth
THE ART OF GOD is a photographic celebration of the truth and character of God, as revealed by the world He has made and the Word He has spoken in the Bible. It is about the relationship between artist, art, and viewer and between form, function, and faith. It is about observation and wonder, revelation and joy, and praise and thanksgiving. Above all, it is about looking at nature through new eyes to see and worship the holy God who created and sustains it.
Signed by Ric Ergenbright on title page, with quote: “To God alone be the glory! Psalm 148”
Publisher’s description …
We have heard the story of Job. His riches destroyed, his family taken, and his own body afflicted. We can only imagine the depth of his loss and pain. Yet as we ponder Job’s misery, do we see the threads of God’s mercy throughout it?
We will all face suffering at some point in our lives; it is inescapable. But what makes calamity endurable is not that God shares our shock, but that through every flame of pain and flood of fear His sovereign goodness sustains us.
John Piper’s interpretive poem and the stunning photography of Ric Ergrenbright remind your heart of the unshakable fact that God governs all things for His good purposes. Allow your eyes to see life–to see God–in new and powerful ways. And let your spirit rest, knowing that the Lord is not only sovereign, but sweet.
THE IMAGE OF GOD: The Glory of Man
THE IMAGE OF GOD views man through the lens of the Bible’s historical narrative. Like its best-selling predecessor, The Art of God, it blends a powerful collection of worldwide photographs with the revelation of Scripture to open our eyes and minds to the unchanging character and faithfulness of God. Made in the glorious image of God, man rejected the design of his Creator, and thus became a broken image. But God, in His compassion, provided healing and restoration for man to once again live as His glorious image on earth. The Image of God presents a powerful witness to the abundant life that God intends for all mankind—a life characterized by love that gives, rule that serves, and worship that trusts and obeys God.
Signed by Ric Ergenbright on title page, with quote: “Praise God our Maker! Psalm 100:3″
$30 with free shipping — Purchase from Store
NOTE: THE IMAGE OF GOD is now out of print, and we have the entire remaining inventory of approximately 100 books. When they are gone, it will no longer be possible to obtain a new copy.
THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS Ric Ergenbright has spent his career capturing photographic images of God’s self-disclosure in creation. These images bear witness to the beauty and power of God, inviting us to reflect on the One who spoke our world into existence. This book weds these images with Scripture to help us think about what we see and to honor the heavenly Artist. In doing so we put feet to the apostle Paul’s admonition: “. . . if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8b). Foreword by John Piper.
Signed by Ric Ergenbright on title page, with quote: “In God’s light we see light! Psalm 36:9″
$20 — Inquire about availability
NOTE: THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS has been declared “Out of Print” by Crossway Books. We will let you know if and when we are able to obtain any copies.